Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Music Note Identification Game 

After searching the internet, trying to research educational music games that would benefit my 4th and 5th grade students, I came across a great website that contained numerous activities for my classroom. The one game that I use the most is a simple activity that helps my students maintain their knowledge of the notes on the Treble and Bass clef. The students and I play this game roughly every other music class (I see them once a week). We play on the Smart Board and the students are split up into two teams. The object of the game is to get as many note names correct as you can before the 2 minutes are up. The game contains a large staff with either the Treble or Bass clef, and notes will pop up on the lines and spaces. The letter names of the notes are below in big circles. The students will each have a turn to correctly choose the letter name that correlates to the note on the staff. When they click the answer, they go to the end of the line. We see how many points they can receive after the two minutes are over.

I found this game to be not only extremely beneficial for their knowledge of the note names, but it also creates a fun environment that elementary students desire and need in their classroom. We usually play this game during the last 5 minutes of class. The students become very excited when they hear that we will be playing the game at the end of class, but only if they are respectful and they participate during the other classroom activities.

I found that this music note identification game also creates a bond between the students because they are working in teams. I allow them to help their teammates by not simply just giving them the answers, but by helping their peers figure the answer out on their own. Overall, this game is wonderful for the age group that I am teaching. I would encourage all music teachers to take the time to review this game to see if it can be beneficial in their classroom!

Here is the link: http://musicteachersgames.com/trebleClefOne


  1. Laura-

    I showed this to one of the music teachers at my school and they loved it! They thought it was great in helping to teach the students the correct notes. I think that it is very interesting and I for sure did not know any of the notes! I could see why the students would love it, it speeds up and changes pace so you have to be sure to pay close attention!

  2. This game is a fun and effective way to learn to read music notes. Reading music can be quite tedious and (I admit) boring if you are pushed to just read notes. I really like the way you are using this computer game to make it more interactive and collaborative for your students. Even if the subject is something that's hard for some children, if the teacher makes it interesting and engaging, students will perceive it as something worth trying.

  3. Was a very simple but effective tool. Unfortunately once I finished, it went into a loop and locked my browser. I had to force quit explorer to get out of it. One question, do you find that children who are comfortable in Math have an easier time with the lessons?

    I know from my experience, people who are comfortable with mathematics seem to have an easier time with music theory.

  4. This game showed me that I need to take a music lesson. I was horrible!! After a few wrong answers though, I started to remember what I learned 15 years ago and got some right.

    For students in a music class, I think this game is a good way for them to practice what they learned. The timer also gives a nice twist to it.
